Attention Lurkers... Monday, October 1, 2012 is the 98th anniversary of Jesus' Rulership!
I'll just let the Watchtower magazine speak for itself...
October 1, 1914, on taking his place at the breakfast table in the Brooklyn Bethel dining-room, he in a strong voice denoting conviction announced: “The Gentile Times have ended!” -Watchtower July 15 1950 page 216 pargraph 1
Those seven “appointed times of the nations” ended in the early autumn of 1914, about October 1. Before then the “good news” of the established kingdom could not be preached. -Watchtower October 15 1955 page 623 paragraph 7
October 1, 1914, is now more than forty-two years ago and the Kingdom’s fight at Armageddon is fast nearing. -Watchtower December 15 1956 page 756 paragraph 13
Since those seven times began with the desolating of Jerusalem and the land of Judah in the early autumn of 607 B.C., they ended in the early autumn, or about October 1, of the year 1914 of our twentieth century. -Watchtower October 15 1958 page 634 paragraph 34
But the most important date for all human creation is 1914 (about October 1), for that marked the greatest turning point in all human history. -Watchtower May 15, 1960
He would do it after the year 1914 of our Common Era, a year of universal importance. It was in that year that the time for the royal Stone Jesus Christ to wait at God’s right hand ended. Why? Because in the seventh Jewish lunar month of that year, or about October 1, 1914, the “times of the Gentiles” ended.—Luke 21:24, AV. -Watchtower November 1 1964 page 651 paragraph 11
As has been demonstrated, the beginning of the “appointed times of the nations” dates from the overthrow and trampling of Jerusalem and the desolation of Judah, which was accomplished about the middle of the seventh Jewish lunar month, Tishri, or about October 1 of the year 607 B.C.E. -Watchtower October 15 1967 page 616
But by October 1, 1914, it was obvious that Jesus’ prophecy was fulfilled and that the “appointed times of the nations” had ended. -Watchtower May 1 1967 page 261
We need not here repeat the proof that the Gentile Times, “the appointed times of the nations,” ended around October 1, 1914. History proves it! -Watchtower December 15, 1968 page 749 paragraph 37
NEW LIGHT in 1970... End of Gentile Times moved up 3 or 4 days... Both the Bible’s time schedule and the physical facts of history prove that the Gentile Times, “the appointed times of the nations,” ended in 1914 C.E. about October 4/5 that year. (Luke 21:24) -Watchtower January 15 1970 page 50 paragraph 5
At the end of the Gentile Times around October 4/5 in 1914, Jesus Christ was in what Hebrews 12:22 calls the “city of the living God, heavenly Jerusalem,” on the heavenly Mount Zion. There was the place for the glorified Jesus Christ to be installed as king, and that by the only one who could do so, the Most High God Jehovah. -Watchtower October 15 1970 page 626 paragraph 5
The Gentile Times had begun about the middle of the lunar month Tishri in 607 B.C.E., and so their 2,520 years of duration would end in 1914 about Tishri 15, which corresponds with October 4/5. -Watchtower December 1, 1971 page 717 paragraph 1
By the end of the Gentile Times about October 4, 1914, eight nations and empires of Christendom, along with Japan, were fighting one another. -Watchtower December 15 1972 page 748 paragraph 5
BUT WAIT... in 1974, the WT moved it back to October 1... The “chaste virgin” class endeavored to let their light shine as they approached the time when they expected to meet their Bridegroom in heaven. Finally, that day arrived—October 1, 1914. -Watchtower August 15, 1974 page 507
BUT WAIT... in 1975, the WT moved it up to October 4/5... This fact of universal interest has been true since the year 1914 C.E. In that year “the times of the Gentiles,” or, “the appointed times of the nations,” ended about October 4/5, when counted from the desolation of Jerusalem and the land of Judah by the Babylonians in the year 607 B.C.E. -Watchtower November 1 1975 page 661 paragraph 15
BUT WAIT... in 1979, the WT moved it back to October 1... SINCE the “dead in Christ” are raised up in spiritual bodies invisible to human eyes on that “last day,” we humans must walk by faith, not by sight, as to its actually taking place now. We recall that for some decades quite a few thought that the glorification of all surviving members of the Christian congregation would occur at the end of the Gentile Times around October 1, 1914. -Watchtower June 15, 1979 page 26 paragraph 1
On October 2, 1914, Charles Taze Russell, then president of the Watch Tower Bible and Tract Society, boldly announced: “The Gentile Times have ended; their kings have had their day.” How true his words proved to be! Unseen to human eyes, in October 1914 an event of world-shaking importance took place in heaven. Jesus Christ, the permanent Heir to “the throne of David,” commenced his rule as King over all mankind.—Luke 1:32, 33; Revelation 11:15. -Watchtower May 1 1992 page 6
Thereafter, the Society refrained from specifying October 1 or October 4/5 albeit both dates were preceded by the word "about" most of the time... But the point is that there's NO QUESTION as to the importance of 1914 in the Watchtower Corporation's marketing scheme... However, since humanity has instant access to old books on their cell phones, tablets and laptops, this over-used Watchtower Marketing tool is slowly being dismissed by Brooklyn as not-so-relevant "old light". In fact, the year 1914 is very rarely mentioned anymore compared to 15 or 20 years ago...